4 Ways You Can Improve Your Home’s Airflow in Covington, LA

Maintaining clean air inside your home or business is essential for health, comfort and productivity. Poor airflow can result in stuffy air, odors, allergens and other airborne pollutants that can affect quality of life. Let’s look at some tips for improving airflow in your Covington, LA, home.

1. Clean Your Air Filters Often

Air filters help keep harmful particles like dust mites out of your home while also helping to improve overall indoor air quality. You should check them yourself or have them checked by a professional regularly because they tend to get clogged with dirt over time, which can drastically reduce airflow throughout the house. Cleaning or replacing them regularly will help ensure that they are operating at peak efficiency.

2. Keep Vents Unblocked

Vents need to be free from obstructions at all times for the best results. Make sure there are no rugs or furniture blocking them as this will impede the flow of air into your home.

If possible, try to keep vents free from any decorations or items as these will also reduce airflow efficiency. Additionally, make sure that vents are not closed off completely – they should be open enough so that air can pass through them freely but typically not open all of the way, so that warm/cool air escapes from the ducts too quickly.

3. Invest in an Energy-Efficient HVAC System

Installing an energy-efficient HVAC system will help ensure that you’re getting maximum airflow throughout all rooms in your home. An energy-efficient HVAC system also helps reduce energy costs and improves indoor air quality by filtering out pollutants and allergens, making it a great investment all around!

4. Ventilate With Windows

Opening up a couple of windows is another simple way to improve and exchange airflow, especially on nice days when the weather is mild and there’s a light breeze outside. You don’t have to keep windows open all day long—just to allow fresh air into your home.

If you are looking for AC installation services in Covington, LA, call Three Rivers Services, LLC. Our highly trained technicians are always ready to serve you.

Image provided by iStock

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