Does My Covington, LA Furnace Have a Cracked Heat Exchanger?

It’s a serious issue if your Covington, LA furnace heat exchanger has a crack. Catching the problem as early as possible can protect your home and alert you when your furnace needs repairs. Luckily, there are warning signs you should watch for.

Bad Odors

If your furnace smells like formaldehyde, that can mean the heat exchanger has a crack. People describe a formaldehyde smell as a combination of burning matches and vinegar. This odor can irritate your nose and eyes, so you need immediate HVAC maintenance.

Soot on the Furnace

You’ll recognize soot because it’s a black, powdery substance. It builds up when there’s incomplete combustion inside your furnace. When a heat exchanger cracks, it disrupts the combustion process and causes soot around the burners.

Visible Cracks

If you look inside your furnace, you might see cracks on the heat exchanger. These cracks can make it easier for toxic gas to escape. If you see damage, turn off the system, and contact an HVAC technician.

Weird Sounds

When the heating system is in operation, you might hear rattling, popping or banging sounds if the heat exchanger has a crack. You might also hear these sounds if there’s not a crack yet, but the heat exchanger is developing a crack.

Carbon Monoxide Leak Symptoms

Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas that can get into your home if the heat exchanger has a crack. It doesn’t have a smell, but it can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea and flu-like symptoms. The gas is potentially deadly, so if symptoms appear, get to safety, and call for help.

Recognizing these warning signs can help keep your furnace situation from getting dangerous. Contact Three Rivers Services, LLC to get the HVAC furnace services that you need.

Image provided by iStock

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